Tune In With Sonia Choquette – Mindvalley
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Or that “gut feeling” urging you to make a specific decision because you sensed it was the best choice to make — Even if you couldn’t logically explain why?
- Tune In With Sonia Choquette by Mindvalley,
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This course is for everyone who wishes to consistently tap into their intuition at will, make better decisions in life, and guide themselves towards more joy, freedom, abundance and purpose.
Have you ever had a hunch? Or a deep instinctual feeling call out to you? That something or some event was about to happen… And to be surprised to find that that very thing unfold before your eyes almost exactly as you imagined it?
Or that “gut feeling” urging you to make a specific decision because you sensed it was the best choice to make — Even if you couldn’t logically explain why?
What you experienced was your intuition.
And contrary to what many people may have told you… Intuition is a gift we ALL possess.
It’s that inner voice guiding you towards making better choices — both the big life-changing decisions and the small daily choices that make our days flow smoothly.
It’s that expansive feeling that opens you up to new insights and ideas that elevates your life — both personally and professionally.
In short, listening to your intuition is the surest way to find, and stay on, your life’s true path so you can experience the happiness, success and purpose you truly desire.
The thing is… What most people don’t realize about intuition is that it’s at play every single day of our lives. It’s always calling out to you. Guiding you and steering you in the right direction.
In fact, your intuition is likely calling out to you right now.
But can you hear it clearly enough?
Most people ignore their intuition… And end up regretting their decisions.
Every day, you’re faced with countless of choices to make.
But unfortunately, in today’s society, you’re rarely given the chance to consult your intuition before making any decision — Especially the ones that matter to you the most.
Instead, you are trained to do what is expected.
To do the “right thing” based on what your teachers, your preachers, your parents deemed to be “correct.”
To draw “rational” conclusions by weighing up the pros and cons.
But ask yourself: How many times have you done all of the above, taken the most “logical” course of action…
… And still have that deep feeling of self-doubt and unease about the decision you just made?
Or worse yet, ended up in a situation that filled you with regret? Wishing to yourself, “If only I chose differently”?
You’re not alone.
Millions of people have unknowingly dulled their intuitive senses because they’ve given in to life’s countless social pressures. And sadly, it’s leading so many down a path of growing unfulfillment, frustration and disappointment.
But there is still hope.
Because no matter who you are, or what your circumstances may be, it is never too late to reconnect to your intuition. You just need to how…
Proven Techniques To Tap Into Your Intuition On Demand
What if you had the secret tools and techniques that could instantly connect with your intuition…
So that, at any given moment, you could tune in to your soul’s internal compass, get immediate guidance, and make decisions you know are leading you in the right direction…
… Just how much more effortless, fun, and meaningful would life become as a result?
Not only would you liberate yourself from ever having to second-guess yourself, but a connection with your intuition will also help you:
- Tell whether someone is truly your soulmate (or not),
- Find unconventional solutions to your biggest problems,
- Spot the best people to build relationships with,
- Decide your next big career move,
- Sense how your loved ones are feeling (without having to ask),
- Discover your next creative, passion project,
- Sniff out golden business opportunities,
And so much more…
Introducing “Unleash Your Intuition” — A Practical Toolkit
For Those Seeking To Live An Intuitive Life
This extraordinary one-hour course is filled with an array of simple, yet powerful, tools you can use whenever you need to amplify your intuition.
Taught by America’s #1 Intuition expert, these tools will help you…
- Get centered back into your heart in minutes
- Infuse your entire being with positive energy
- Tap into a limitless source of creativity and inspiration
- Banish any fears holding you back
- Calm your mental chatter
- Invite guidance from the Universe
In other words, you will discover how to turn your intuition on like a tap, and with it, experience an endless flow of wonder, joy, fulfillment, purpose, and happiness in your everyday life.
And who better to teach you these tools that one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of human intuition, Sonia Choquette.