Sell Like a Team – Michael Dalis
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The ability of sellers to form teams that add value and present a compelling case to buyers is no longer optional but is required in today’s complex sales environment.
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The ability of sellers to form teams that add value and present a compelling case to buyers is no longer optional but is required in today’s complex sales environment.
For many sellers, executing a successful team presentation might feel like the luck-of-the-draw, but this is simply not the case. Richardson Sales Performance Senior Consultant and Trainer Michael Dalis demystifies team selling in his new book Sell Like a Team: The Blueprint for Building Teams That Win Big at High-Stakes Meetings.
Team Selling Skills Unlock Revenue
Prior to the great recession and the proliferation of online information sources, team selling was often limited to blockbuster business-to-business sales pitches, but now every sales person in every industry must have the ability to form an effective team to win business. In fact, according to Harvard Business Review, “… the number of people involved in B2B solutions purchases has climbed from an average of 5.4 two years ago to 6.8 today.”
Sell Like a Team offers practical insights into the importance of developing the ability to form effective selling teams that are comprised of both sellers and non-sellers.
According to Dalis:
“… As sellers, we tend to focus on getting our salespeople ready. The sale is often made by more than one person … I’ve got to have a senior person, a subject matter expert, and a technology specialist come and join me. They haven’t had sales training, but they are going to contribute to my success or failure in closing this deal … Whether people like to sell with others and whether they don’t, it’s a fact of life that if you are a sales person who wants to close deals and drive results, you’re going to have to sell with others, and I wanted to help those people who were on that same mission.”
Learning to “Sell Like a Team” is Easy When You Know the Process
Beyond answering the “Why” Dalis’ “Sell Like a Team” answers “How,” the book describes the process for forming and preparing a team for a presentation. It breaks out the different hats that a salesperson must wear during each phase of the process and includes tools and worksheets that help sellers and sales leaders apply what they have learned immediately.
In this video Michael Dalis shares insights from the book: