Find Our Mothers: Healing The Original Wound – Monique Ruffin
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Do you have difficulty releasing from the various challenges you faced in the relationship between you and your mother – memories that have troubled you for years?
- Find Our Mothers: Healing The Original Wound by Monique Ruffin,
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Have you spent your entire life trying to understand the relationship between you and your mother?
Do you have difficulty releasing from the various challenges you faced in the relationship between you and your mother – memories that have troubled you for years?
The relationship between you and your birth mother is one of the most important relationships of your life. Your psychology is literally shaped by your formative experiences with your mother figure. Many do not dive too deeply into this primary relationship because it might be wrought with pain and anguish. We also do not like to indict our parent, who loved us for certain, choosing to only see the positive while skirting the more challenging aspects of what we experienced under the rug.
JLA Coach, and astrologer, Monique Ruffin is ready to hold your hand as you go ahead and open pandora’s box in regard to your mother and your experience with her. No matter how beautiful or painful your experience has been, even if there was a mix of both, there are ways to rewire the psychological impacts of what you went through with that dear woman…
But why do this work at this time? What if you were to opt to simply let the past stay in the past – bygones be bygones…
Te answer to this question is complex. The connection and experience you had with your own mother is the shaping factor o f your experience with the divine feminine today! If you are male, your experience with your mother is shaping all of the relationships you share in your current love life! And if you are female, your psychological connection to your mother is literally formulating your thoughts about yourself, your environment, your female friends and so forth… There is no way to fully know the impacts of your connection to the feminine without assessing your relationship to your mother figure.
If you choose to do this work, you will absolutely reformulate your mental atmosphere in ways that you might find miraculous! The effects of deep healing around your mother can open financial, spiritual and relational doorways you never thought possible.
Here are Ten Benefits of Finding Your Mother.
1. Gain greater understanding and compassion for yourself and your mother.
2. Learn to transform negative painful patterns into medicine that heals you and your family.
3. Uncover the cycles of trauma carried and passed down through your family
4. Heal the inner child and create a new story that will shift your life forever.
5. Transform your relationships with women in every way: family, love, and friendships
6. Access your feminine power or be more at ease with those who function with high feminine power.
7. Heal your abandonment and fear issues associated with women, for yourself, and for seven generations forward and seven generations backwards.
8. Learn rituals to enhance your relationship to feminine energies and harness that spiritual, intuitive and psychic power.
9. Gain freedom from the forgiveness you offer to yourself and other from your childhood.
10. Restore the love and connection between you and your mother.
Here is a bit about your coach on this journey of healing…
Monique Ruffin has spent her entire life time preparing to teach this course, Finding Our Mothers. During her mother’s pregnancy, Deborah was a prostitute and her father Jesse was a pimp. These early experiences were deeply traumatic and at 8 years Monique decided she would be the one to heal her family, after getting a degree in Political Science and History at Howard University, Monique realized her healing would require much more internal and legacy work to shift and transform what she experienced as a child.
In 2003 Monique received her license as a Spiritual Practitioner at Agape Institute, under the direction and leadership of Dr. Micheal Beckwith. In 2015, Monique received a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. She went on to become a licensed Feminine Power coach at Jujumama.
Today Monique has created unique techniques that combine metaphysics, astrology, and practical applications to assist her clients in healing old wounds and living happy and fulfilling lives. Her own life’s path has granted her an understanding of what it takes to heal at deep levels to truly experience freedom.
Monique lives in Los Angeles where she sees clients, surfs with her son, and experiences a joy she never dreamed possible from where she began.
If you feel it’s time to embark on a journey of healing around your relationship to your original womb of birth, the woman behind your actuality this lifetime, then you should register here today. What will you get when you enroll in this course?
1. Full Four Week Course
2. One Hour Lecture delivered LIVE each week – Open Q&A
3. Private Facebook Group for Coaching and One-On-One Time with Monique
4. Homework assignments assessed by Monique
5. All Meditation Audios and Videos needed to complete this great work!
REGISTER BELOW! Course Begins May 8, 2018
Course Curriculum
Introduction and Materials
- Introduction Letter
- Course 1 Setting the Container (68:37)
- Course 2 Epigenetics with Dr. Monikah Ogando (91:59)
- Course 3: The Astrological Mother with Ricky Williams (76:05)
- Finding Our Mothers: Course 4 Checking in and Clearing (71:59)
- What Is Your Mothers Consciousness Course 5 (98:18)
- If Your Mother Knew Better Course 6 (58:27)
- The Magic of the Mother with OlaOmi Akalatunde (60:24)
- Final Course (76:38)